主持人:柳林 教授
主讲人:Jan Schroers教授(耶鲁大学)
报告题目: Structure-Property-Processing Relationships in Metallic Glasses
报告时间: 5月8日,上午10:00-11:30
报告地点: 先进制造大楼西楼A308室

Jan Schroers is a Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Yale University. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from RWTH Aachen. After postdoctoral research at California Institute of Technology, he spent three years with Liquidmetal Technologies as a Director of Research, where he explored structural application and commercialization of metallic glasses. He has published over 130 articles on top journals such as Nature, Nature Materials, and Physical Review Letters, etc. The total citations are over 5000 times with h-index of 36. Prof. Schroers’s research mainly focuses on novel processing methods for advanced materials, effective strategies to develop metallic alloys, and approaches to characterize complex microstructures. Prof. Shroers is also a co-leader of the Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena (CRISP), where he is leading the research on multi-scale surface engineering with metallic glasses through topographical structuring at multiple length scales from atoms to centimeters. Examples include tailoring biocompatibility, reactivity, friction, adhesion, and wetting to efficiently functionalize surfaces for a wide range of new applications and devices.
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